Rabu, 27 Maret 2019

Download YHWH ExistsBy Jodell Onstott

Download YHWH ExistsBy Jodell Onstott

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YHWH ExistsBy Jodell Onstott

YHWH ExistsBy Jodell Onstott

YHWH ExistsBy Jodell Onstott

Download YHWH ExistsBy Jodell Onstott

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YHWH ExistsBy Jodell Onstott

Is Scripture myth or truth? Literature or history?

Modern scholars claim that Israel's history as recorded in Scripture never happened. It is simply literature that tells one nation's view of their world. Is this claim accurate?

Never before has a book so thoroughly explored the archaeology, history, and theology of Israel's Scriptures to find such a simple, logical solution. By discovering the vast evidence that dismantles the man-made foundations of modern religion-you can begin your own personal quest to return to the simple, compelling faith of Abraham, King David, and the prophet Isaiah. Join Jodell Onstott in this epic investigation that reveals the intelligent, logical faith delivered by God to an ancient nation in YHWH Exists.

Is the Bible doomed to be a relic of generations past? Questions regarding the historical validity of ancient Israel have fueled many academic debates. Yet, most scholars approach Scripture through a preconceived atheism, creed, or dogma that thwarts a wholly evidence-based approach to Scripture.

In YHWH Exists, Jodell Onstott shares a personal journey of evaluating the credibility of the Bible while considering the challenges of archaeology, the Documentary Hypothesis, and the ethics of the Bible's overall theology. Grounded on firm scholarship, this investigation presents one of the most formidable challenges for modern Judaism and Christianity.

Quite surprisingly, the evidence uncovered in this ground-breaking investigation also demonstrates the validity of Israel's history, showing that vast archaeological and epigraphic evidence exists for Israel's exodus from Egypt and conquest of Canaan.

The light that Jodell sheds on these complex issues may challenge your comfort zone because questioning your beliefs has a certain risk of uncertainty and suspense. But in the end, YHWH Exists is an uplifting read. Here is a journey of a woman who persevered to challenge preconceived ideas and discovered a textual-based theology that takes the Bible out of the hands of scholars, sages, and theologians by empowering the reader with the tools of scholarship to seek and find for him or herself.

  • Sales Rank: #1299661 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-24
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 1184 pages

YHWH Exists is a very profound study, which covers an incredible range of topics related to the Biblical History of ancient Israel. I recommend especially the part dealing with the chronology of Biblical Israel and particularly so that of the time of the Sojourn and the Exodus. One may disagree about a small number of years here and there, but Jodell Onstott has presented a vast amount of data, which undoubtedly show that the late date currently held by most scholars is truly untenable. This is also supported by a fair amount of archaeological evidence. To cut things short: this is a great and recommendable study! - --Peter van der Veen, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

YHWH Exists is a very profound study, which covers an incredible range of topics related to the Biblical History of ancient Israel. I recommend especially the part dealing with the chronology of Biblical Israel and particularly so that of the time of the Sojourn and the Exodus. One may disagree about a small number of years here and there, but Jodell Onstott has presented a vast amount of data, which undoubtedly show that the late date currently held by most scholars is truly untenable. This is also supported by a fair amount of archaeological evidence. To cut things short: this is a great and recommendable study! ---Peter van der Veen, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

About the Author
Socio-Biblical and historical research specialist, Jodell Onstott has authored five books. In addition to archaeological and biblical studies, Jodell's research reveals value-based principles that relate to politics and economics today. Jodell is a successful author, entrepreneur, business owner, and public speaker. She has been a frequent guest on the Jeff Couerre Show in New Orleans and the Morning Show on Hebrew Radio Nation. Books: YHWH Exists (vols. 1&2), comprises 15 years of ground-breaking research charting the archaeological, historical, and religious tenets for Ancient Israel and its implications for Judaism and Christianity. Archaeological, Historical, and Scriptural Evidence of the Exodus; Archaeological, Historical, and Scriptural Evidence of Israel's Conquest; and Archaeological, Historical, and Scriptural Evidence of Ancient Israel, demonstrate that the books of the Old Testament comprise more than literature, Scripture contains an actual and factual history.

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